available free through the coalition
A primary mission of FRRC is to seek and offer as many free resources as possible for Texas First Responders. This is where we begin…more to come as the program grows.
THE BRIDGE - Quarterly FREE virtual resiliency networking event to bridge resiliency resources with first responder agencies.
FRRC STARTER KIT - Designed as an informative DIY kit for agencies looking to start their resiliency program on a limited budget.
FRRC RESILIENCY APP - Free resiliency app available for download. We’ll also put you in touch with Lighthouse Wellness App so you can get started building a custom app for your agency!
CRITICAL INCIDENT RESPONSE - We believe critical incident response should be FREE for agencies in need. Therefore, we are committed to building regional teams trained in effective critical incident response. At this time, critical incident response is available to organizations in the metroplex based upon availability. Consultation is available to help you build a strategy for your response throughout the State of Texas.
ADVOCACY & GRANT WRITING - The FRRC team is very experienced in writing grants for building resiliency programs. We would love to help any agency build a grant narrative to assist in funding a program.