build the foundation of your program

STEP #1 - train your peer team

  1. Readiness Group Organizational Resiliency Specialist Train-the-Trainer Course (3-Days)

  2. ICISF Group & Individual Critical Incident Response Certification (3-Days)

  3. ASIST Suicide Awareness Certification (2-Day)


  1. Monthly Consultation Process (Your Department Only)

    • Selecting Your Team Members

    • Building Your Landing Page

    • Developing Your SOP

    • Crafting Your Member Assistance Pathway

    • Finalizing Your Master Resource List

    • Keeping the Resiliency Conversation Alive

    • Bringing In Additional Education

  2. THE BRIDGE Quarterly Networking Event (Free)

  3. Referral Management Program (Optional)

  4. Digital Program Marketing Kit (Free)

step #3 - educate your people

  1. Resilient Leader 8-Hour Workshop - for leaders

  2. Science of Trauma 4-Hour Workshop - for all personnel

  3. Cultivating a Family in Flow 2-Hour Workshop - for couples

step #4 - build your partnerships

See our list of FRRC partners to continue to add more resources to your program -OR- add partners from your local community. Make sure to tell us about any good resources that are out there!!