Healthy responders promote safe responders.
Peer support, when done with purpose and physiology in mind, works - plain and simple. We train each department to establish a peer program that works for their own unique culture and provides each first responder with the tools to process through trauma on a daily basis.
Mental health is like vehicle maintenance. Take care of it along the way & everything stays strong. If you don’t change your oil for three years, you’re going to have a mess.
“Be brave enough to start a conversation that matters.”
components of the program
Peer Directors
One per department - These individuals will have input on the entire FRRP program, provide information to the departments and communication to the peer advocates.
Peer Advocates
Peer Advocates receive additional training about screening mental health and program administration.
Every first responder will be educated through the Basic Science of Trauma course. You will understand the physiology of trauma and have the tools to purposefully address it in a way that helps the brain process what you’ve been through. All your fellow first responders are peers. You choose who you want to talk to. It does not have to be a peer advocate or director.
Helping sustainable support
The peer program provides the education, resources and framework necessary for a sustainable support program. Every department is different. Therefore, the peer program is designed to be adaptable. Your department assigns the positions. We educate your people. They bring the knowledge back to your department and build the program.